Monday, August 15, 2022

Why do some Christians embrace the Lie of Theistic Evolution?


Some Reasons why People embrace the Absurd Falsehood of Theistic Evolution

By Pastor Terry L. Reese, Valley GBC of Armagh, PA; 8/12/22


Many professing Christians today believe in the concept of Theistic Evolution, which teaches that God employed the vehicle of naturalistic evolution to create new species—including man

Why is this so? Below are seven proposed reasons as to why many who confess Jesus Christ and claim to be His disciples have also allowed themselves to become de facto disciples of Charles Darwin. 


1. Many have been deceived into believing that the evidence for the “scientific fact” of Darwinian evolution is simply too strong to ignore. Thus, the Bible must be mistaken, and today’s “brilliant” scientists must be correct. But see 1 Tim. 6:20--warning us of false so-called science! Or Rom. 3:4: “Yea, let God be true, but every man a liar!” YES! Let God be true--even if the consequence of that makes every geologist, biologist, astronomer, and cosmologist a liar!


2. Some are convinced that evolution is compatible with the teachings of the Bible, rather than contradictory to them. But what of 1 Cor. 15:39--which teaches us that we are not genetically related to brute animals? And what of Gen. 1:21, 24-25, which informs us that the basic species were immediately created and reproduce “after their kind?”


3. Some maintain that it somehow enhances God’s glory if He created the Universe via certain “grand natural processes” (e.g., the Big Bang & biological evolution), rather than though the “magical” outpouring of miracles (e.g., Pope Francis teaches this--even though he also inconsistently affirms the Virgin Birth!). But what of Heb. 11:3--which teaches us that God created the Universe ex nihlo (i.e., out of no pre-existing material)? Shall we blasphemously debase this Divine miracle as a "magic trick?"


4. Some say that it “doesn’t really matter” one way or the other. But what does Jesus say about this (John 3:12)? Why would we trust the Bible’s spiritual claims if we cannot trust its scientific claims? If God's Word has deceived us regarding an earthly matter--e.g., the physical origin of new species--then why should I believe it regarding those spiritual things that I cannot apprehend with the eye of flesh (e.g., the Plan of Salvation through the Blood of Christ)?


5. Some foolishly claim that Genesis has not told us precisely how God chose to create man. But what of Gen. 2:7, 22? How should we interpret these specific details regarding human origins?


6. PRIDE, and the love of “all things worldly,” play a huge role in this matter. Many are intimidated by the steady stream of evolutionary propaganda promoted by the general culture, the educational establishment, and the popular press. Fear of being viewed as “anti-intellectual” pressures individuals into social-conformity. Supposedly, through the embrace of Theistic Evolution, we can serve two masters and enjoy the applause of the World for our respectable “intellectualism”—and yet, still claim to be “Biblical” in our general worldview and perspective.  But what of 1 Kings 18:21? "How long will you hesitate between two opinions? If the LORD is God, follow Him; but if Baal, follow him."


7. Cowardice: the desire to avoid controversy. Theistic Evolution is seen as a “way out” from taking a firm—and potentially awkward and divisive—stand for God. But shall we deny Christ (Matt. 26:69-75)? Are we ashamed of the Gospel (Rom. 1:16), as well as of the testimony of Christ and the Doctrines of His Word (2 Tim. 1:8)? We are called unto boldness—as well as unto non-conformity (Rom. 12:2) and separation (2 Cor. 6:17-18) from the values of this World!

You will note one reason, however, that is conspicuously absent from this list: namely, the notion that a normal and literal interpretation of the Scripture will actually yield such a teaching. The reason for this is obvious: it DOESN'T!

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