Monday, March 25, 2024

Biblical Fundamentalism vs. Neo-Evangelicalism


Biblical Fundamentalism vs. Neo-Evangelicalism

A Historical & Theological Analysis by Pastor Terry L. Reese


I. The Historical Context behind the present dispute…

o   The rise of modernism; a major battle in the early 1900’s; fundamentalists vs. liberals in all major denominations; disputes over the Nature of God, the Deity & Virgin Birth of Christ, Biblical Authority & Inerrancy, salvation, etc.

o   Liberals capture the major denominations, resulting in major denominational schisms. Conservatives separate from the liberals and operate within their own structures, creating new denominations & seminaries—and are often branded by critics as sectarians who are disconnected from the culture.

o   Post-WWII: the rise of Neo-evangelicalism: Billy Graham, Christianity Today, & Fuller Theological Seminary become flagship ministries for the “new evangelicals.” These “new men” were basically orthodox in their central doctrines, but sought a new pragmatic approach and a new methodology with the aim of reaching the prevailing secular culture…

o   Neo-Evangelicals denounced the older fundamentalists as being divisive, separatistic, disengaged from the culture, anti-intellectual, & culturally isolated (“fumbling fundamentalists”).

o   Fundamentalism’s response to Neo-evangelicalism: The “new evangelicalism” is doctrinally shallow, dismissive of separation, overly pragmatic, and spiritually compromised; it is too “Madison Avenue,” and is preoccupied with gaining worldly applause (John 15:18-19;17:14). Further, it is prideful in its unbounded desire for academic acceptance by infidel-elites.


II. A Summary Critique of Neo-Evangelicalism


1.     Neo-evangelical churches are often characterized by a certain shallowness, without adequate attention to the value of doctrine or truth. Often people are not choosing churches based upon truth-considerations, but upon purported “lifestyle-enhancement” (e.g., programs, entertainment, “flash,” etc.).


2.     The above speaks to a SELF-centeredness, as opposed to a GOD-centered focus; i.e., “What can the local church do for ME and MY felt-needs?”as opposed to: “What can I do for GOD? How can I best glorify HIM and preserve HIS Truth?”


3.     It is rooted in pragmatic compromise. The Message is thus modified, streamlined, compromised, and over-simplified (despite Matt. 28:20, Acts 20:27). Ends-justify-the-means style expediency is valued, as are “Madison Avenue” approaches. Numeric growth is everythingobedience to God is nothing!


4.      So-called non-essential” doctrines are de-emphasized (e.g., creation, eschatology, church ordinances)—which has now led to the de-emphasis of MAJOR doctrines (e.g., God’s attributes & perfections, Biblical inerrancy, Eternal Punishment, etc.)!


5.     A decline in moral/lifestyle standards—more “easy-going.”


6.     Biblical Separation (2 Cor. 6:14-18) is NOT emphasized nor maintained! Neo-evangelicals often ecclesiastically unite for pragmatic purposes with liberals & Catholics (e.g., Billy Graham).


7.     It is overly preoccupied with humanistic strategies (contra Ezek. 2:3-7), business models, marketing strategies, and the latest fads—as opposed to resting in the power of God…


8.     It is overly preoccupied with receiving the applause of the empowered academic infidel elites—a key issue involved with the undermining of once-conservative seminaries (Jms.4:4).


9.     Extrabiblical authority (e.g., the latest “science” or popular “wisdom”) is often favored over the Scriptures…


10.  Woke!” In accordance with its desire to reach the elites and curry favor with the crowds, it has, in recent years, tended to demonstrate its “enlightenment” through an increased association with political & economic utopian-progressivism.


11.   It is overly preoccupied with love & unity (John 17:21)—at the expense of TRUTH (John 17:17). 1 Cor. 13:6: “[Love] does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth…”


The results: a downgradea postmodern Church whose deficiencies and immaturities have led to doctrinal & lifestyle accommodation with the world. Neo-evangelicalism is “neither cold nor hot” (Rev.3:15)—and it has not even achieved the promised and anticipated results in terms of growth and outreach: the culture continues to putrefy!

Saturday, January 27, 2024

The Riddle of Antisemitism & Jewish Survival


The Riddle of Antisemitism

Pastor Terry Reese, Valley GBC of Armagh, PA (01/14/23)

“The Eternal Jew & his Enemies.”

Left to right: Antiochus IV Epiphanes, the “Reverend” Al Sharpton, Haman the Agagite, Roman Emperor Hadrian, King Sennacherib of Assyria, Pharaoh Thutmose I of Egypt, an anonymous Spanish Inquisitor, Joseph Stalin, the Ayatolla Khomeini, Haj Amin al-Husseini (the Grand Mufti), Adolf Hitler, Yasser Arafat, and Heinrich Himmler


I. The trek of the Wandering Jew (a.k.a., the “Eternal Jew”).

A. A Stateless People: the Diaspora (i.e., “dispersion”).

The Times of the Gentiles (Luke 21:24; cf., Dan. 2 & 7), extend from the Babylonian Conquest until the Second Coming. Despite the reconstitution of a Jewish state (1948), the Diaspora prevails.


B. A Persecuted People…

1. Antiquity (Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Seleucids, Rome)

2. The Middle Ages (both European Christendom & Islam)

3. The Modern World

a. Modern western Europe (especially Germany)

b. Eastern Europe (e.g., Russia & the Ukraine)

c. The Modern Arab/Islamic World

d. Today’s Hard-Left & “Progressives.”

4. The Future: the Antichrist & the Great Tribulation.


C. The mystery of such unreasonable & undying hatred!

Note Mark Twain’s thesis in his essay for Harper’s (1898): the Jew is a law-abiding model-citizen with a strong sense of civic & familial responsibility. WHY is he the focus of such hatred?


II. Especially baffling, considering the Jew’s disproportionate level of contributions to humanitya blessing to all (Gen.12:3)!

>Foremost: From the Jews came the Messiah & the Scriptures!

A. The rise of nations & their political development.

(e.g., the British Empire: Benjamin Disraeli, Chaim Weizmann)

B. The “Court Jew” & the development of modern finance.

C. Scientific & technological progress & development.

(e.g., Astronomy, Medicine, Physics, Atomic Science, Invention, etc.)

D. Art, culture, and popular entertainment.


III. America & the Jews (cf., Jer. 29:4-7). >A proud tradition of Jewish service the U.S. Armed Forces; 5,000 Jews buried at Arlington.


"And I will bless those who bless you..."

IV. Why does unreasonable antisemitism continue?

A. God loves Israel (Zech. 2:8)! Note: God’s love involves disciplinary correction (Heb. 12:6, Deut. 28:15-16, Matt. 27:25, Luke 23:28-30) and the refiner’s fire (Isa. 48:10).  

B. Satan hates Israel (Rev. 12:13) because of her role within God’s redemptive & prophetic program for the ages.

C. God’s plan is to purge, regather, and redeem Israel in preparation for its role in the Millennial Kingdom (Isa. 2:2, 6:11; Ezek. 20:37; Dan. 12:1; Zech. 12:10, 13:8-9; Rom. 11:26).  


The Riddle of Israels Survival

Pastor Terry Reese, Valley GBC of Armagh, PA (01/21/24)


I. The miracle & mystery of Jewish survival.

By all logical expectations, the Jew should no longer exist; the assimilation & persecution associated with the Diaspora (“Dispersion”) should have finished himyet he survives! HOW?


"Last Man Standing"

II. The Abrahamic Covenant: the central Scriptural covenant.

(e.g., Gen. 12:1-3, 15:9-21, 17:1-8, 22:15-18).

a. God made unconditional promises to his friend, Abraham!

b. God chose & called an unworthy people (Dt.9:4-5; 17:7) for the purpose of making them a Holy People (Dt. 17:6).

c. He would bless the whole earth through that people, giving them His Word, and sending the Messiah from them…

d. He would provide a land & a brilliant destiny for that people.


III. Despite the present estrangement (Matt. 21:33-41, 23:34-39;

Rom. 9-11), God will spiritually restore them (Zech 12:10, Matt. 23:39, Rom. 11:26)—the culmination of the work of the Two Witnesses (Rev. 11) and the 144,000 (Rev. 7:3-8, 14:1-5).


He will rescue them (Zech. 14:3-5, 9, 12) from the Time of Jacob’s Trouble (Jer. 30:7, Dan. 12:1, Zech. 13:8-9)…


He will regather them from the nations where they had been dispersed (Deut. 30:1-6), ending the Diaspora that has marked the Times of the Gentiles (Luke 21:24; Dan. 2&7)—which extend from the Babylonian Captivity until the Second Coming…  


He will honor His eternal land grant to them, and restore His Holy Temple—the Great Millennial Temple (Ezek. 40-48)—and fill it with His Glory (Ezek. 43:1-4)…


He will make Israel the Head of Nations in His Kingdom (Mic. 4:1-2) and the Jews the most honored of people (Zech. 8:20-23).


Everything declared in Scripture MUST be fulfilled (e.g., Matt. 26:54, Acts 1:16)—the true secret of Jewish survival!


IV. BUT individual Jews MUST repent & trust in MESSIAH—

or they CANNOT be saved (John 14:6, Acts 4:12)!!! So-called “Dual Covenant Theology” (e.g., John Hagee; i.e., the idea that Jews will supposedly be saved by “keeping” the Mosaic Law) is FALSE (Rom. 3:20,23; Gal. 2:16, 21)!!!

Monday, November 13, 2023

A Definition of Terms: Complementarianism vs. Egalitarianism


Complementarianism vs. Egalitarianism

by Pastor Terry L. Reese; 11/12/23

No More Moore!

Our society has sought over recent decades to redefine the roles traditionally ascribed to men & women within the context of both the home (Eph.5:22-33) and the Church (1Tim.2:8-15). Today, evangelicals are debating a basic question: “Are there distinct gender-based functions and restrictions that apply to local church ministry—OR, is there an absolute equality between the sexes that translates into an interchangeability of functions? Can women serve as pastors as well as men?” Within modern evangelicalism, there are two opposing camps


A. Complementarianism. Masculinity & femininity are to be embraced as Divinely-ordained distinctions; the genders are designed by God to complement & complete one another (Gen. 2:18, 24). While Complementarians affirm the essential spiritual & intellectual equality of men and women as human beings who are created in God’s image (Gen. 1:27), they also affirm important gender-based distinctions when it comes to the exercise of their functional roles—particularly within the realms of the church (1Tim. 2:8-15 & 1Cor. 14:34) and the home (Gal. 5:22-33; 1 Cor. 11:3). Complementarians affirm the historic/traditional viewpoint that God has restricted women from standing in authority over men in certain leadership roles within the church—especially in regard to the pastorate. Rather, women are called to serve in different—but important—complementary roles within the local assembly. Basic Scriptures clearly teach complementarianism: 1Tim. 2:8-15 & 1Cor. 14:34; and the pastoral qualifications of Titus 1:6-9 & 1Tim. 3:1-7. Complementarianism, which is an exegetically-derived doctrine that is rooted in God's original design for Creation, IS what the Bible teaches--and also is thus what God-honoring and faithful Bible teachers have proclaimed throughout the centuries.

NOTE that complementarians are NOT declaring women to be inherently or qualitatively inferior--but rather, they ARE recognizing that God is a God of administrative order! In the same way, the Son--who, as Deity, is NOT inferior to the Father--willing submitted Himself unto the Father (1 Cor. 11:3), so too are Christian women called to submit unto their husbands and pastors.


B. Egalitarianism. The opposite view—which arose out of the scourge of postmodern evangelical feminism—affirms that there are NO gender-based restrictions with regard to local church ministry—and thus allows for women to serve as pastors, believing that there is a basic interchangeability of functions with regard to men and women. While the Bible does NOT teach such a viewpoint, our culture has steadily promoted its acceptance within the churches. The recent disturbances within the Southern Baptist Convention over the incompliance of the Saddleback mega-church with regard to this issue is a case in point. Often, Gal. 3:28 (which in context, speaks of salvation—not of the pastoral office) is misapplied in favor of Egalitarianism (as are other, off-topic and out-of-context texts)—even while clear texts such as 1 Tim. 2:12 are ignored and rejected. Rick Warren, the Pastor-emeritus of Saddleback who has fanned the flames of controversy by supporting the ordination of women, is typical of the advocates of this view, in that he defends his position by employing eisegesis--which involves cherry-picking Bible passages that seem to support one's extra-biblically derived pre-conceptions and presuppositions. Such "proof-texts" that Warren regularly employs include the following three examples--which he claims "convinced" him of the truth of egalitarianism: Matt. 28:19-20 (i.e., the Great Commission, which involves teaching, was given to all Christians); Acts 2:17-18 (there were presumably women at Pentecost, and the quotation speaks of "daughters" prophesying); and the Gospel narratives depict the women such as Mary Magdalene first functioning as proclaimers of our Lord's Resurrection. NOTE that Warren ignores specific Biblical instruction that bars women from the pulpit and turns to narratives that say NOTHING with regard to who is or is not qualified for the pastoral office!!!

This sin is of a most serious natureGod clearly and explicitly calls for Christians to observe appropriate and distinctive gender-based functions within the realms of both the home (Gal. 5:22-33) and the church (1 Tim. 2:8-15). Willful failure to observe God's prescribed patterns of order is an act of REBELLION (which is likened to the sin of witchcraft in 1 Sam. 15:23) and is conforming to the Luciferian image and likeness of the original Rebel (Isa. 14:12-15) who seduced the entire world by enticing our mother Eve to set aside her appropriately assigned role and leave the protection of her husband, Adam (Gen. 3).

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

9 Biblical-Worldview Responses unto Postmodern Transgender Confusion


9 Responses to Postmodern Trans-Ideology

by Pastor Terry Reese, Valley GBC; 10/27/23


1. The Bible presents a BINARY reality—Male & Female (Gen. 1:27, 2:18-25; Matt. 19:4-5)—that was pronounced “VERY GOOD” (Gen. 1:31) in the beginning. As Jesus emphasized, this is God’s original, perfect design for humanity (Matt. 19:4-5): namely, one man & one woman, with differing complimentary roles (Eph. 5:22-33), joined for life (Matt. 19:6), resulting in the biological procreation of a Holy Seed unto the Lord (Gen. 1:28, 9:1; Ps. 127:3). 


2. “Gender-identity-disorder” exists; suffering people DO have these strange feelings! These subjective feelings are really experienced—but they do NOT point to a final, objective reality (i.e., the idea that the “true self” is trapped in the “wrong body”). We can have deranged “feelings” that are not in correspondence with reality (cf., the derangement of Nebuchadnezzar in Dan. 4).


3. The Biblical framework of the Fall and its effects explains this derangement! The Fall has produced many consequences and ill-effects—invading the psychological, emotional, physical, environmental, social, and spiritual realms. We come into this world as broken, spiritually-dead, fallen creatures (Ps. 51:5, Eph. 2:1-3, 1 Cor. 2:14, Rom. 8:7)—hence, our “internal wiring is off!”


4. Regardless of the direct cause(s) or source(s) of Gender Disorder, such confusion is displeasing to God. It is ALWAYS SIN—i.e., missing the mark of Divine perfection. It is NEVER to be accepted as normative, embraced as an identity, or normalized—let alone justified (Isa. 5:20)! That which naturally proceeds from a fallen heart—born in a state of depravity (Gen.5:3)is designated as evil by Jesus (Matt.15:19)!


5. The physical body is NOT simply a “disposable container” into which the “real you” (i.e., the soul/spirit) is poured. We have been created as a unity of body & spirit. A pagan radical dualism (Acts 17:32, 26:24) that rejects the eternal holistic unity of body & soul that is found in the Bible must itself be rejected. The body is part of the “real person” that will one day be resurrected! Even unbelievers will one day experience bodily resurrection--unto condemnation and judicial wrath (John 5:28-29; Rev. 20:11-14).  


6. The reality of nature must be affirmed & accepted: a person CANNOT change their sex!  Gender is NOT a subjective, man-made, fabricated “social construct.” It is based upon an objective biological reality (i.e., having 2 X chromosomes vs. having an X & a Y chromosome). Hormone therapy, surgery, and cosmetics CANNOT change this reality. We cannot even authentically change our hair or skin color (Matt. 5:36, Jer. 13:23)—let alone our SEXUAL IDENTITY!

Even those men who are eunuchs (Matt. 19:12)—whether through birth defects or through surgical castration—are still MEN! Thus, gender involves something more than either fertility-potential or surgery!


7. We cannot thrive or FLOURISH—i.e., live in a “large” way (Ps. 119:45)—outside of the Scripturally-revealed will of God! Just as alcoholics cannot flourish by feeding their destructive sin habits and impulses, persons suffering with gender identity disorders cannot flourish or find peace by feeding their sin natures and denying their authentic, Divinely-created gender identities. Any attempt to hold out false prospects of achieving personal happiness unto self-identified "trans" persons through such sinful means such as surgical self-mutilation is CRUEL; it does NOT constitute "loving one’s neighbor."


8. We are called as Christians to exhibit BOTH conviction and compassion in relating to those individuals struggling with transgender disorders. We are not loving either God or our neighbors (Matt. 22:37-40) when we LIE to people and encourage them to follow sinful paths (Matt. 18:6-7). As believers, we MUST speak the plain TRUTH to such persons in LOVE (Eph. 4:15). Above all, first and foremost, we must speak the TRUTH!!!—and yet, we must be mindful that a heart-attitude of graciousness is the climate in which Truth flourishes! Parents, in particular, are called to rise above the prevailing culture and love their children in a holy and Biblical manner—and NOT support them in their sinful patterns and delusions. Note these wonderful comments from Focus on the Family’s Position Statement:

There has been a growing trend of parents raising their children without designating them male or female. A similar trend encourages parents of children who might not fit into typical social expressions of masculinity or femininity to raise them as the opposite sex. Instead, we encourage parents to lovingly help their children to embrace their bodily sexual reality. Christian parents can raise daughters who grow up to accept and enjoy their femininity, knowing deep down that being a girl is a good gift from God. Likewise, Christian families can raise sons to grow up to be healthy men who embrace their masculinity and see it as a good gift from God.


9. There is the promise of victory and ultimate deliverance for the LGBTQ person who turns in repentance to Christ. Despite a global “progressive” movement that opposes (and even seeks to criminalize) Biblically counselling LGBTQ folks to cast-off their wicked and sinful lifestyles, the Word of God offers them the genuine hope and certain prospect of salvation and deliverance if they turn in faith to JESUS (1 Cor. 6:9-11)!

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Transgender Ideology & the Corruption of the Postmodern, "Politically-Correct" Medical Establishment


Trans Ideology & the Corruption of Medicine

by Pastor Terry Reese, Valley GBC of Armagh, PA; 10/19/23


I highly recommend that the reader consult the informative interview that Tucker Carlson conducted with Chris Moritz on Twitter/X, which can also be viewed on YouTube at Tucker Carlson Takes On 'Trans, Inc' - YouTube

The Numbers: Overall there are 1.6 mill. “trans” people in the US (ages 13 & over)—a number that has doubled over a decade. Of these, 300,000 are youth (13-17)—a doubling in the past 5 years! Clinics now offering “treatment” for such children has expanded from 0 (15 yrs. ago) to 100!


Gender-reassignment “therapies” have become a big-business in the USA—particularly since the passage of Obamacare* in 2010, resulting in an explosion of such procedures. Quietly written in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was the requirement that insurances provide for necessary gender affirming care.”


o   2010-16 saw a 50% increase in reassignment surgeries.

o   2016 saw an additional amendment to the ACA; gender identity could no longer be a basis for denial of coverage by private insurance companies. 2016-17 thus saw a 150% increase in expensive gender-reassignment surgeries!

o   The above measure was reversed by Trump (2020)—but sadly, reinstated by Biden in his first 100 days (2021).


The underlying progressive political agenda behind the promotion of such procedures is painfully evident in the widespread skirting of accepted medical and scientific standards with regard to gender-reassignment “therapies.” Note the following evidences:


o   There is no genetic basis (i.e., “trans-gene”) for this condition.

o   There have been NO peer-reviewed clinical studies on the long-term efficacy, consequences, or potentially debilitating effects of these procedures upon patients (pharmaceutical, surgical, etc.). Yet, we continue to pump-up patients—including developing children—with powerful drugs like testosterone, estrogen, and puberty blockers! Unprecedented!

o   The FDA has not approved a single pharma product used in gender-transition specifically for that purpose (some are approved for cancer therapy). These drugs are thus prescribed off-label (i.e., unauthorized)—yet, it’s being done!

o   The ONLY protocols currently being followed come from WPATH—a radical trans-advocacy group!

o   Meanwhile, the US medical establishment remains silent

o   2013: the American Psychiatric Association ceased objectively classifying gender identity disorder as a mental illness.  


THE BOTTOM LINE: All this bears the marks of being agenda-driven by politically powerful postmodern progressives whose goal is to change the culture and annihilate Christianity.


Brainwashing/mass-marketing/propaganda. As with the homosexual community--which evolved from sodomy (a sinful act), to homosexuality (a clinical condition), to gay (a "legitimate" identity)--nomenclature has been successfully employed to reprogram our societal mindset with regard to the "Trans Community."

For most of the 20th century, the abnormality that was formerly labelled transsexualism was viewed as psychiatric disorder—and was consequently treated as such by the psychiatric profession. A major shift occurred in 2013, however when the American Psychiatric Association amended its Diagnostic Statistic Manual of Mental Illness (DSM) and no longer classified what it had called gender identity disorder as an objective, psycho-sexual disorder—i.e., a mental illness. Henceforth, the favored terminology would be gender dysphoria—which speaks NOT of an abnormality or mental disorder, but rather, to the subjective feelings of discomfort that a “transgender” person (a normal condition) feels in reference to being “trapped” in the “wrong” body—as well as the feelings of stress that he/she faces in relating to a non-acceptant and prejudicial society.


*Note how public policy on LGBTQ issues was completely reshaped by a bisexual man—Barack Obama—who, as a 21-year old man, confessed in a 1982 letter (now in the custody of Emory University) to his then girlfriend, Alex McNear, that he regularly fantasized about having relations with other men, and that he was androgynous with regard to his own personal gender identity (cf., Rising Star, by David Garrow; 2017).