Wednesday, January 7, 2015

These are my outline notes for a study on the feeding of the 5,000 for a recent Allegheny District pastor's meeting (Conservative Grace Brethren Fellowship). Perhaps someone else will find them useful.

The Feeding of the Five Thousand

(T.L. Reese, Pastors Meeting, Oct. 11, AD 2014)


TEXT: Mark 6:30-44 (Matt. 14:13-20, Lk. 9:10-17, John 6:1-14).



a. Testimony to its importance: found within all four Gospels.

b. Monumental devotional import—not simply a miracle story.


I. Backdrop, Time, & Location.

A. A lot of things are happening at the same time...

B. They depart to a remote area for refreshment (Mk. 6:31-32)


II. But no opportunity affords itself for personal needs (Mk 6:33)


III. The Lord’s response to the people.

A. He was always prepared to minister!

B. His focus was outward; upon others, not Self.

C. What He does:

1. He has compassion for them (Matt. 14:14 & Mark 6:34).

2. He welcomes them (Luke 9:11).

3. He ministers to them in various ways (Matt., Mark, Luke).

D. WHY Messiah  pitied & empathized with them: Mark 6:34.


IV. The Problem: how to feed a  multitude (Mark 6:35-36)?

A. The Disciples observe the lateness of the hour (vv. 35-36).

B. Their solution: walk away from responsibility & human need

C. A characteristic response for them: cf., Matt. 15:23, 19:13.


V. Our Lord’s shocking solution (v. 37a)!

1. “BUT…” (a contrast between Jesus and His Disciples);

2. “YOU [emphatic] give them something to eat!


VI. The Disciples’ response: Mark 6:37b (cf., John 6:7-9).

Their overall responses summarized & paraphrased:

1.Send them away:” absolve ourselves of responsibility.

2. “Let them go to the villages:” i.e., someone else will

surely assume responsibility here!

3. “They can buy themselves food:” i.e., self-help.

4. “Let’s not get too extravagant, here!” 200 denarii?!?!


VII. The Lord provides—starting with what we have (v. 38)!


Viii. The need is met (vv. 39-44)…

A. God has resources that we know nothing about. 

B. TODAY, He issues impossible directives (Mt. 28:19-20a).

C. But…He is with us! (Matt. 28:20b, Heb. 13:5-6)