Pastor Terry l. Reese,
“He made from one blood every nation of men to
dwell on all the surface of the earth, having determined appointed seasons, and
the boundaries of their dwellings, that they should seek the Lord…”—Acts
"Europa" rising from the midst of nations; outside EU Parliament.
In his Farewell Address, President George Washington
warned the American people about entering into long-term alliances with
foreigners (e.g., NATO), which he believed would have a toxic influence
upon our Republic.
For a century, we more-or-less observed this
counsel—until the rise of modern crusading Progressivism. Both Wilsonian
Idealists and Neocons have convinced generations of
Americans—both left & right—that it is our “mission” to depose
foreign regimes if their philosophy of governance is disagreeable to our own.
Thus, in 2003 Americans conquered a sovereign Arab republic (Iraq) in a
well-meaning but nonetheless ill-advised attempt to impose “American values”
upon a nation whose people were culturally unprepared for it—with sadly predictable
Addressing the Athenians (Acts 17), Paul observes that
God created diverse nations with their own appointed
times and borders. This arose out of the disaster of
Babel, when sinful men, under the leadership of Nimrod (Gen. 10:8-12), ignored
God’s directive to “fill the earth” (Gen. 9:1) and initiated a one-world
government (Gen. 11:1-4). In judgment, God confused their languages and dispersed
the nations—thus delivering mankind from the boundless evils (Gen. 11:6) and
tyranny (Rev. 13) that would have accompanied such an Antichrist global-regime.
True, nations still engage in petty rivalries, warring
against one another—and will do so until the Lord returns (Matt. 24:6-7). But the
organization of peoples into distinct sovereign nation-states is far
preferable to the alternative—which is one-world
Many evangelicals in recent years have been taught by Progressives to fear the specter and bogeyman of so-called "Christian Nationalism." But in response, let us observe the following:
1) Patriotism—properly observed—is a godly pilgrim virtue (Jer. 29:7)!
2) Borders are by Divine design!
3) Even in the Millennium (Micah 4:2, Isa. 19:25) and in the Eternal
State (Rev. 21:24, 22:2) national distinctions remain!
4) The diffusion of temporal power amongst separate nations has
been providentially conducive to the advance of the Gospel.
"Christian Nationalism" is NOT the historic Christian Church's problem--but Progressive, left-leaning worldly Evangelicalism most certainly is!