Saturday, January 18, 2025

HERMENEUTICS: the Rules of the Road!


Some Helpful Pointers on HERMENEUTICS

(i.e., The Art & Science of Biblical Interpretation)

by the Rev. Terry L. Reese, Pastor of the Valley GBC of Armagh, PA; 1/19/25


Those of us who deem ourselves to be Bible-believing Pastors rightly encourage our people to diligently study God’s Word for themselves—but often we are sadly remiss and negligent in properly guiding them in the proper METHODS of Bible interpretation! Dear Christian Friends, many interpretive problems could easily be avoided if we would simply apply to the Bible the same grammatical and contextual rules that we apply to ordinary conversational language on an everyday basis! For example, when your best friend says to you “I am taking the bus to the Pittsburgh Pirates game next week,” should we mystically ascertain that what he really meant to say was “I will be reincarnated 3,000 years from now and take a spaceship to the Andromeda Galaxy, and this is a hidden spiritual allegory that also contains the application that it is morally wrong for one to be greedy with one’s worldly possessions” ??? Yet, this is how many today mystically and subjectively interpret the Word of God, without any concern for how words are to be properly and normally understood within their cultural setting and context!   



1.    IT IS THE PLAN AND DESIRE OF GOD THAT EVERY CHRISTIAN UNDERSTAND HIS WORD AND PASS THE TEACHING ON TO THE NEXT GENERATION (Deut. 6:4-9). This is our responsibility; we are accountable to God in this!


Deut. 6:6-7: And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.


As Tyndale observed, the Bible was translated into the everyday vernacular language of the people during the Reformation so that every plowboy in England would know more of the Scripture than the Pope did!


2.    EMBRACE THE PLAIN, OBVIOUS, LITERAL MEANING OF A PASSAGE, UNLESS THE CONTEXT ABSOLUTELY DEMANDS OTHERWISE. Okay, if you have a passage that talks about trees clapping their hands (Isa. 55:12), that’s obviously figurative and poetic—not literal. Otherwise, we should only accept the plain, simple surface meaning of a text. NO NOT search for hidden allegories, symbols, metaphors, and other subjectively-derived meanings that aren’t really there! This was one of the great errors of the Church of Rome, with its “fourfold sense” method of interpretation (literal, allegorical, moral, and anagogical).


Ironically, Rome interprets Luke 22:19–20 (“This is my body… This is my blood”)—dealing CLEARLY with symbols—with bone literalism! Likewise, Origen—ironically, an allegorical commentator—interpreted Matt. 5:27-30) with an extraordinary literalism, and then proceeded to physically mutilate himself!


3.    THE SCRIPTURE IS BOTH DIVINE & HUMAN. AS A “HUMAN” BOOK, THE SCRIPTURE MUST be interpreted historically, grammatically, and contextually. Bible texts mean what they mean based upon what the plain and ordinary meaning of the words were understood to be within the historical and cultural setting in which the text was originally written, in accordance with the basic rules of Hebrew & Greek grammar.


Furthermore, everything is to be understood within its proper historical and linguistic CONTEXT. Passages cannot be lifted out of their surrounding context and arbitrarily redefined. This sort of fraudulent “proof-texting” is a hallmark of cultic societies’ method of interpretation. An example: Col. 2:21 (“Touch not; taste not; handle not”) is not an ethical directive unto the Christian believer; rather, the context is clearly with reference to the legalistic tendencies of false teachers.


Aside from its historical/grammatical context, we must also be conscious of the overall nature and theological concern of the book in which it appears, and how a given verse fits within the basic structural outline of the book, and how it further fits within the context of the surrounding verses.


4.    We must practice exegesis, not eisegesis. DO NOT IMPORT YOUR IDEAS, FEELINGS, AND TRADITIONS INTO SCRIPTURE; DRAW MEANING OUT OF SCRIPTURE! Exegesis is ascertaining the meaning “out of the text,” based upon what is actually there; eisegesis, on the other hand, is reading “into a text” what we WANT or ASSUME to be there! Isa. 9, for example, is not about 9/11—despite what Jonathan Cahn thinks!


Too many today are guided by the false authority found within rationalism (“I think…”), emotional-mysticism (“I feel…), popular wisdom ("The common consensus says…”), or man-made tradition (“My church says…”)—as opposed to Sola Scriptura (“What does God’s Word say?”).


5.    THE LAW OF NON-CONTRADICTION: SCRIPTURE WILL NEVER CONTRADICT SCRIPTURE. If the Bible is TRUE, then self-contradiction is UNTHINKABLE!!! As God’s Book, it is without error in any form. Some passages may on the surface appear contradictory, but these so-called “discrepancies” are only apparentnot genuine! For example, when Paul says we are Justified by Faith apart from Works (Rom.3:28, Gal.2:16), he is NOT disagreeing with James, who says that we are justified by both Faith & Works (James 2:24). Contextually, the term JUSTIFIED is being used with different intent by each Apostle. A basic rule: CONTEXT determines the meaning of Bible words!


6.    RECOGNIZE THAT THIS IS A DIVINE BOOK: A HOLY THING! APPROACH IT PRAYERFULLY AND WITH REVERENCE. This is God’s Word; treat it as such! Read it TRUSTINGLY, understanding that it was breathed-out (2Tim.3:16) of the Amen, the Holy God of Truth (Isa. 65:16). It does not contain some hidden poison! The Bible judges us—not vice versa (Heb. 4:12)!


PRAY also that the Holy Spirit who gave us the Word will guide you in understanding (illumination) its true meaning. Sin and pride have dulled our senses—we need the Spirit’s help! 1 Cor. 2:10, Eph. 1:17-18, and 1 John 2:20-27 all speak of the Holy Spirit as instructor and anointing.  


Ps. 119:18: Open my eyes and I will see wonderful things from Your Law.


Interpret it CAREFULLY, not flippantly—lest you be judged!


RECOGNIZE, with great reverence and humility, that everything in the Book is there for a REASON. God did not foolishly waste His Words! Do not minimize doctrine! Whatever God says about ANYTHING is of vital and ultimate importance! This is GOD’s Word!


7.    REMEMBER THAT THE CENTRAL FOCUS IS GOD & HIS WAYS—AND NOT OURSELVES! The Bible is not some little man-centered “self-help” program that focuses upon your self-centered “felt-needs.” The written Word is God’s Self-Disclosure from which we come to know Him and understand His ways and His will.


God is the focal point of all things: the Author/Sustainer/Redeemer of our lives. All things exist unto the praise of His glory (Eph. 1:3-14, 1 Cor. 10:31). He is not your servant! Yet, so many today engage in “narcigesis” (every verse is about ME—every promise, every situation, etc.)!


8.    REMEMBER WHAT THE CENTRAL NARRATIVE & STORYLINE OF SCRIPTURE REALLY IS: THE LORD JESUS CHRIST! The Old Testament is all about HIM, as even as is the New Testament, being filled with prophecy, types, and shadows of the coming Christ (Luke 24:27; John 5:39, 46)!


9.    BE MINDFUL OF THE GENRE OR TYPE OF LITERATURE. Read History AS books of History (e.g., Genesis), books of Poetry AS that which is poetic (Psalms), didactic doctrinal/theological teaching AS such (e.g., Paul’s Epistles), Apocalyptic Symbolism AS such (e.g., Revelation), Wisdom Literature AS general wisdom & truisms (Proverbs), Parables AS figurative Parables.


10. BE MINDFUL OF AUTHOR’S ORIGINAL INTENT. WHO wrote a given book, and unto WHOM? For example, we must ask WHO wrote Genesis (answer: Moses), and WHO was his original audience (answer: the Hebrew slaves of the Exodus). How would reasonably intelligent people amongst his original audience have apprehended various terminologies and expressions? Seek the AIM (Author’s Intended Meaning)—and not what might appeal to you as a modern recipient.


Employing the rules that we have outlined thus far to Genesis, for example, allows us to understand that God really did create the Earth in 6 solar Days (Gen. 1:1-31); that evolution really is FALSE (Gen. 1:21, 24-27); that the great water vapor canopy (Gen. 1:6-9) really did protect the early Earth and create an entirely different hydrologic cycle without modern rainfall (Gen. 2:5-6, 10); that a Great Flood really did engulf the entire planet (7:19-23); that early humans really did live for centuries (Gen. 5:1-32; 11:10-26), even as they will again during the Millennium (Isa. 65:20); that early men really did master such advanced arts as animal husbandry, musical technology, and metallurgy (Gen. 4:20-22); that early men really did build the largest ship until modernity; and really did engage in such hallmarks of civilization as settled agriculture and urbanization (Gen. 4:2, 17), and that all men really did descend from both Adam and Noah!


11. DON’T BE A WISEGUY: LEARN IN COMMUNITY. This principle has been studiously avoided by every prideful heretic and arrogant know-nothing cult leader under the sun! Jesus has given us his Church, and the Spirit endows men with spiritual gifts (Rom. 12:7) for the mutual edification of all (1 Cor. 12). Pastor/teachers are amongst God’s gifts to the Church (Eph. 4:11-14). YES, the Bible alone is our ONLY infallible source of Divine Authority—but we are also called-upon to humbly learn from and disciple one another as believers! Twenty centuries of sober research, careful study, honest discussion, and vigorous debate amongst Spirit-indwelt and Born-Again men MEAN something (Prov. 27:17)!


12. THE MODERN CHRISTIAN HAS TOOLS READILY AVAILABLE TO THEM THAT OUR FATHERS DID NOT. Invest in a good Study Bible like the MacArthur Study Bible, which is a commentary, concordance, dictionary, and atlas all rolled-up into one! An entire theological library under one cover!


13. BE MINDFUL OF IMPORTANT THEOLOGICAL TERMS. God did not place key doctrinal terms within His Word simply to frustrate us; they are there for a REASON! Make an honest effort to learn the meaning of BIBLE words like Election, Justification, Sanctification, Predestination, Propitiation, Regeneration, Adoption, Glorification, Reconciliation, Dispensation, Atonement, Redemption, etc.!   


14. INTERPRET THE WAY JESUS DID! He accepted the complete authority, prophetic certainty, and infallibility of Scripture (Matt. 5:17-18; John 10:35, 17:17). He interpreted Gen. 1-11 as straightforward literal history, without allegorizing it (cf., Matt. 19:4-6, Luke 11:51, etc.). He saw Himself as the center of Old Testament teaching (Luke 24:27; John 5:39, 46). If He is the Master & we are the Disciples, then we MUST follow Him in this!


15. SEEK THE FULL COUNSEL OF SCRIPTURE. DO NOT build an entire theology upon a SINGLE VERSE (e.g., in the manner that Campbellite churches such as the non-instrumental Church of Christ do with Acts 2:38—in which they deny the clear Biblical doctrine of Justification by Faith Alone and instead teaching the legalistic heresy of Baptismal Regeneration). Seek synthesis by comparing a given Scripture with other portions of Scripture! For example, 1 John 4:8 (“God is love”) cannot be removed from the context of overall Scripture; nor can Matt. 7:1 (“Judge not, that ye be not judged”) be used to infer that all judgment and discernment is sinful and proscribed (cf., Matt. 7:6, 15-20).


Along these lines, Barack Obama has famously sought Divine approval for upholding “gay marriage” by appealing unto the Golden Rule (Matt. 7:12, Luke 6:31)—while dismissing Rom. 1:26-27 as “obscure” (cf., 1 Cor. 6:9).


16. AVOID ALLEGORICISM, MYSTICISM, & WEIRDNESS! The Scripture is not a collection of mystical riddles or hidden allegories. If you have an overly-clever cryptic formula based upon “hidden knowledge” (cf., J.R. Church’s Hidden Prophecies in the Psalms, Jonathan Cahn, Grant Jeffrey), “Bible Codes,” or some hidden and complicated mathematical method (Miller, Camping, etc.) for interpreting plain Scripture, YOU’RE WRONG!


And do not follow teachers that prescribe simply “interpreting from the heart” and who find a “self-help” agenda in every verse (e.g., Beth Moore, who famously advocates Roman Catholic mystical contemplative prayer and allegorical interpretive methods).


17. DO NOT BASE DOCTRINE UPON OBSCURE OR CONTROVERSIALLY DIFFICULT PASSAGES. Allow Scripture to interpret Scripture! Difficult, obscure, and ambiguous passages that are widely and persistently debated amongst learned and godly men should not prevail over clear and easily-understood passages when it comes to ascertaining and establishing doctrine. For example, many clear passages affirm the doctrine of Eternal Security. Thus, a widely debated and murky passage such as Heb. 6:4-6 that yields a variety of interpretations cannot overthrow the combined and immense weight of the preponderance of clear passages!


18. DO NOT CONFUSE INTERPRETATION WITH APPLICATION. Interpretation deals with questions like “What does the text actually SAY & MEAN?” Application on the other hand, is concerned with “How should I apply this truth to my life?” As we interpret historical narratives, valuable life-applications and examples may arise (1Cor. 10:6). But we DO NOT start with an application and then impose it upon some historical narrative to which it doesn’t actually apply. For example, Beth Moore—who is infamous for this sort of practice—indulges in this sort of shoddy pseudo-interpretation when she claims that the story of the Gadarene Demoniac living amongst the tombs (Matt. 8, Mark 5, Luke 8) is a figurative allegory about how Christians need to stop “living in their tombs” and “let go of the past”). Incidentally, note Beth’s narcigesis—its all about our problems and concerns, rather than what the passage is really about: namely, the testimony concerning Jesus, the Divine Messiah who is demonstrated to be Lord of Heaven and Earth!   


19. READ “DISPENSATIONALLY;” WE ARE NOT UNDER THE LAW OF THE OLD TESTAMENT THEOCRACY. Barack Obama has claimed that Christians should not “literally” trust in the Bible because it says in the Law of Moses we should stone homosexuals. But that is NOT the commission for New Testament Christians (Matt. 28:19-20), and contextually, Scripture is clear that we are not bound by the particular rules and legislation that governed the Old Testament Israelite Theocracy!