What it IS and IS NOT
(Pastor Terry L.
Reese; Valley GBC of Armagh, PA; 2/24/23)
A. What this change is NOT: it is not the work of man!
1. The New Birth is NOT
procured by church ordinances.
Simon Magus was water-baptized—and unregenerate! (Acts 8:13,20-23).
2. A good education is not regeneration. Education may
serve to restrain men's lusts—but cannot change their innermost hearts. A wolf
in chains is restrained from causing harm—but it is still a wolf!
3. Natural progress in
outward maturity is not the new birth. As men progress in age and maturity, they often turn from youthful indiscretions and outwardly embrace a more discreet and respectable
lifestyle. However, such self-reformation is not redemptive change
nor spiritual regeneration!
4. Zeal &
regularity in religious observance is not the new birth. One may
engage in all the outward duties of
religion—and yet remain utterly lost & unregenerate (Acts 26:4-5,
Matt. 23:15)!
5. The New Birth isn’t simply a “flash-in-the-pan” emotional “experience”
that eventually fades into oblivion
(Matt 13:20-21, 1John 2:19). Many persons momentarily experience the
pangs of a troubled conscience—only to return to their own “vomit” (2 Pet.
2:22): cf., Pharaoh, Esau, Simon Magus, Felix, Judas, etc.
B. What this change IS. This change is real & profound—a man is
literally transformed by God into a new creature (2 Cor. 5:17)!
1. Regeneration results in a
change of qualities, or dispositions (Eph. 4:22-24, Gal. 5:17-24, Rom. 6:1-14).
2. It is a supernatural change. He who is
born again is born of the Spirit (John 3:5). Man cannot effect this
change (Jer. 13:23)—but the God who raises the spiritually dead can (Ezek.
36:26, John 1:13)!
3. It is a change into the Likeness of Christ (2 Cor. 3:18), which is God’s eternal plan
for His elect (Rom. 8:29).
4. It
is an entire & extensive change:
the whole man (mind, will, soul, etc.) is regenerated (2 Cor. 5:17: “All things become new…").
5. It
brings a new freedom from
sin (John 8:34-36; Rom. 6:16-18)!
6. It
is irreversible—it is a permanent
& lasting change (John
6:37-40, 10:27-30; Philip. 1:6, Rom. 8:29-30).
The agent of regeneration:
the Word of God (1 Pet. 1:23).
God appoints means that attend His Divine activity: evangelism (Matt.
28:19-20; Rom. 10:13-15) and prayer (Rom. 10:1; 1Tim. 2:1).
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