Saturday, September 2, 2023

A Biblical Response to Tyranny


A Biblical Response to Tyranny

by Pastor Terry Reese, Valley GBC of Armagh, PA; 8/23/23


Political Tyranny: a persistent problem that has always been with us—even from the early Cradles of Civilization that emerged out of Babel…


I. Human government and the will of God.

A. Human government is a necessity and is ordained of God (Rm. 13:4).


B. But exploitative, oppressive tyranny is not God’s will (Prov. 16:12). Like every other institution ordained of God (e.g., the home, the church), human government has been corrupted (1 Sam. 8:10-18).


C. Particularly obnoxious is the totalitarian state’s attempts to regulate and control the free expression of man’s spiritual life (e.g., Dan. 3 & 6, Rv.13:15). Jesus says some things do NOT belong to Caesar (Mtt.22:21)!


II. What can the Christian DO about it? What should he NOT do?

A. Negatively, things that believers are NOT called to engage in:

1. Pietistic indifference to temporal human affairs.

2. Lawless anarchy (Rom. 13:1-7, 1 Pet. 2:13-15) or unnatural rebellion.

3. Promote a state-church/theocracy or worldly “social gospel.”

4. Total blind submission to Caesar; ultimate loyalty belongs to God.


B. Positively, those things that Christians ARE called to observe:

1. Recognize the identity of the real & ultimate enemy (Eph 6:11-12).


2. Do good in all things, spiritual & temporal (Matt. 22:39; Acts 10:38, Gal. 6:9-10), including recognizing our civic responsibilities (Jer. 29:7) and employing those resources and lawful opportunities that God has made available to us (note: millions of evangelicals don’t even vote!).


3. Resist evil in a biblical manner, practicing civil nonconformity (e.g., Ex. 1:15-21; Heb. 11:23-27, 31; 1 Kings 18:3-4; Dan. 3:15-18, 6:10; Acts 4:19-20, 5:28-29). Christians can and should employ godly means to resist a regime that commands or encourages evil & debases human dignity. But if a Christian does disobey Caesar, he must be prepared to accept the attending consequences—perhaps even the martyr’s path!


4. Obey the cultural mandate to serve as Salt & Light (Matt. 5:13-16). Stay informed, and inform others; preserve & enlighten the culture.


5. Uphold & maintain our personal testimony (1Pet. 2:15, Rom. 12:21)!


6. Fulfill the Great Commission (Matt. 28:19-20)—our chief expression of “doing good”—which involves not only basic evangelism, but also teaching everything that Jesus taught & commanded (Acts 20:20, 27)!


7. Pray (1Tim. 2:1-2). God has power even over a king’s heart (Prov. 21:1)!

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