Tuesday, October 31, 2023

9 Biblical-Worldview Responses unto Postmodern Transgender Confusion


9 Responses to Postmodern Trans-Ideology

by Pastor Terry Reese, Valley GBC; 10/27/23


1. The Bible presents a BINARY reality—Male & Female (Gen. 1:27, 2:18-25; Matt. 19:4-5)—that was pronounced “VERY GOOD” (Gen. 1:31) in the beginning. As Jesus emphasized, this is God’s original, perfect design for humanity (Matt. 19:4-5): namely, one man & one woman, with differing complimentary roles (Eph. 5:22-33), joined for life (Matt. 19:6), resulting in the biological procreation of a Holy Seed unto the Lord (Gen. 1:28, 9:1; Ps. 127:3). 


2. “Gender-identity-disorder” exists; suffering people DO have these strange feelings! These subjective feelings are really experienced—but they do NOT point to a final, objective reality (i.e., the idea that the “true self” is trapped in the “wrong body”). We can have deranged “feelings” that are not in correspondence with reality (cf., the derangement of Nebuchadnezzar in Dan. 4).


3. The Biblical framework of the Fall and its effects explains this derangement! The Fall has produced many consequences and ill-effects—invading the psychological, emotional, physical, environmental, social, and spiritual realms. We come into this world as broken, spiritually-dead, fallen creatures (Ps. 51:5, Eph. 2:1-3, 1 Cor. 2:14, Rom. 8:7)—hence, our “internal wiring is off!”


4. Regardless of the direct cause(s) or source(s) of Gender Disorder, such confusion is displeasing to God. It is ALWAYS SIN—i.e., missing the mark of Divine perfection. It is NEVER to be accepted as normative, embraced as an identity, or normalized—let alone justified (Isa. 5:20)! That which naturally proceeds from a fallen heart—born in a state of depravity (Gen.5:3)is designated as evil by Jesus (Matt.15:19)!


5. The physical body is NOT simply a “disposable container” into which the “real you” (i.e., the soul/spirit) is poured. We have been created as a unity of body & spirit. A pagan radical dualism (Acts 17:32, 26:24) that rejects the eternal holistic unity of body & soul that is found in the Bible must itself be rejected. The body is part of the “real person” that will one day be resurrected! Even unbelievers will one day experience bodily resurrection--unto condemnation and judicial wrath (John 5:28-29; Rev. 20:11-14).  


6. The reality of nature must be affirmed & accepted: a person CANNOT change their sex!  Gender is NOT a subjective, man-made, fabricated “social construct.” It is based upon an objective biological reality (i.e., having 2 X chromosomes vs. having an X & a Y chromosome). Hormone therapy, surgery, and cosmetics CANNOT change this reality. We cannot even authentically change our hair or skin color (Matt. 5:36, Jer. 13:23)—let alone our SEXUAL IDENTITY!

Even those men who are eunuchs (Matt. 19:12)—whether through birth defects or through surgical castration—are still MEN! Thus, gender involves something more than either fertility-potential or surgery!


7. We cannot thrive or FLOURISH—i.e., live in a “large” way (Ps. 119:45)—outside of the Scripturally-revealed will of God! Just as alcoholics cannot flourish by feeding their destructive sin habits and impulses, persons suffering with gender identity disorders cannot flourish or find peace by feeding their sin natures and denying their authentic, Divinely-created gender identities. Any attempt to hold out false prospects of achieving personal happiness unto self-identified "trans" persons through such sinful means such as surgical self-mutilation is CRUEL; it does NOT constitute "loving one’s neighbor."


8. We are called as Christians to exhibit BOTH conviction and compassion in relating to those individuals struggling with transgender disorders. We are not loving either God or our neighbors (Matt. 22:37-40) when we LIE to people and encourage them to follow sinful paths (Matt. 18:6-7). As believers, we MUST speak the plain TRUTH to such persons in LOVE (Eph. 4:15). Above all, first and foremost, we must speak the TRUTH!!!—and yet, we must be mindful that a heart-attitude of graciousness is the climate in which Truth flourishes! Parents, in particular, are called to rise above the prevailing culture and love their children in a holy and Biblical manner—and NOT support them in their sinful patterns and delusions. Note these wonderful comments from Focus on the Family’s Position Statement:

There has been a growing trend of parents raising their children without designating them male or female. A similar trend encourages parents of children who might not fit into typical social expressions of masculinity or femininity to raise them as the opposite sex. Instead, we encourage parents to lovingly help their children to embrace their bodily sexual reality. Christian parents can raise daughters who grow up to accept and enjoy their femininity, knowing deep down that being a girl is a good gift from God. Likewise, Christian families can raise sons to grow up to be healthy men who embrace their masculinity and see it as a good gift from God.


9. There is the promise of victory and ultimate deliverance for the LGBTQ person who turns in repentance to Christ. Despite a global “progressive” movement that opposes (and even seeks to criminalize) Biblically counselling LGBTQ folks to cast-off their wicked and sinful lifestyles, the Word of God offers them the genuine hope and certain prospect of salvation and deliverance if they turn in faith to JESUS (1 Cor. 6:9-11)!

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